28521 Orchard Lake Road Suite B Farmington Hills 48334 MI

Eyebrow & Eyelid Transplantation

One of the elements that have a decisive feature in our facial aesthetic is our eyebrows.
Our eyebrows, extending in an arc form over two eyes, are pretty effective forms for the protection of our eye health and for the revealing of mimics. The eyebrows come into prominence with shape and thickness as they are of great importance in the effect of face expression and gaze.
Fall problems, commonly seen in the hair, can sometimes occur in the eyebrows. Beside the fall there are also people who are born with sparse and thin browns. Under the all conditions it is possible to apply to trannsplantation operation both for the hair and eyebrows and to have the eyebrows that you want.

FUE in Eye Brow Transplantation Operation

With FUE technique transplantation, that is often associated with hair transplantation, can be also used in brows. With in this scope, as in standard hair transplantation procedures; the bulbs, obtained from healthy, strong grafts and taken in adequate numbers from the nape region, are placed in the eyebrow area by opening channel in accordance with the aesthetic.

Eyelash Transplantation with FUE technology

In addition to eye aesthetics, eyelashes, which play an important role in terms of health as a protector, can be falled for a variety of reasons. But nowadays, eyelash transplantation can be applied with FUE technology. In this operation, the hair that is most similar to the eyelash and the inclined ones are separated and they are placed to the channels with the help of special inclined needles.
Local anesthesia is also applied in the operation of eyebrow and eyelash transplantation. In this way, the transplantation process can be completed painlessly, and natural looking eyebrows, eyelashes can be obtained.

You can review our FUE Technology page to learn about eyebrow and eyelash transplanting and explore FUE technology. In order to have eyebrows and eyelashes that you dream , You can contact with Dr.Serdar Çağlayan immediately here.